Diana Matut (Germany; voice, recorder)

(PhD 2006) holds a position as lecturer for Jewish Studies at the University Halle-Wittenberg. She is giving courses on Yiddish Language as well as on Jewish Music and Literature. Since its first appearance in 2007, Diana is Editor of the European Journal of Jewish Studies (together with Giusppe Veltri).

She began her studies at Halle University but finished her Diploma in Hebrew and Jewish Studies in 1999 at the University of Oxford, followed by a Master in Yiddish Studies at SOAS, London, 2001. The same year brought her to the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, where she participated in the Advanced Seminar in Yiddish Studies. Diana works regularely as Visiting Fellow and lecturer at universities in Germany and abroad (among them Rome, Olomouc & Graz, in future Wroclaw, too). From October 2011 until March 2012 she was invited by the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies to be a Visiting Fellow in the Old Yiddish programme.

At the moment, Diana performs as a singer for Simkhat haNefesh (Joy of the Soul), specializing in the performance of Jewish music from Medieval Times, Renaissance & Baroque. Furthermore, she is a soprano of the chamber choir Josquin de Prez (http://www.josquindesprez.de).