„When OMA dances” – opening celebration of YSW 2013
20.07. Sat@OMA [Other Music Academy] 14:00-23:00
A building, a street, a neighborhood – and dancing people in the sunshine.
Expand your horizons of sight and sound at the opening event of this year's Yiddish Summer Weimar, explore the building's rooms and the concerts and performances happening all around.
At the OMA-Market, get inspired by the works of young creators from Thuringia before you check out Moritz Vierboom's dramatic reading under rustling leaves. Grab a bite or a drink at the SHENKCafé.
When night comes, dance to the turntables of Y. Wallat and Ilya Shneyveys in the basement or move to Dielen Vank in the Probebühne.
A patchwork street party, and you're invited to make it happen with the YSW artists and friends. Ernst-Kohl-Strasse comes alive with Daniel Kahn, Fima Chorny, Susan Ghergus, Sasha Lurje, Sveta Kundish and other YSW artists, joined by Lucian Patermann, Ryo Takeda, Norman Sinn, Yannick Wallat, Zughafen Erfurt, the Trio Bern, Brody und Rodach, PuppenSTÜBA and many more...
Photo: AFS Komitee Weimar