Thanks for Yiddish Summer 2013 and looking forward to 2014!

Dear Friends and Fans of Yiddish Summer Weimar!

I want to thank everyone who made Yiddish Summer Weimar 2013 such a great success: the teachers and artists, the staff and volunteers, the participants, the partners and audiences.
New Yiddish Music
is a challenging subject, and I think everyone who experienced the festival this year would agree that we grew tremendously because of it. New events and venues included an opening day street festival in front of the OMA, a concert series in the Reithaus, a New Yiddish Dance Flash Mob on the Theaterplatz, a Gala dance evening in the Weimarhalle and a Pool Party at the Schwannseebad. We got a lot of great attention from the press, including a feature in the TLZ portraying a different participant each day. All of the workshops were well attended, and the reactions from participants have been very positive.

In 2014, we'll follow up and develop the theme of New Yiddish Music & Culture.
I hope we can include a Yiddish Theater workshop, add more dance evenings, add a variety of shorter workshops, lectures and other participatory events especially during the concert week, and more. We'll be carefully reading the participant evaluations to learn where we can make improvements.

Keep an eye on this website for updates about next year's program. Thanks to all of you for making Yiddish Summer Weimar what it is, and I hope you'll join us again next year!

Warm greetings from Alan Bern, Director, and the whole Yiddish Summer and other music e.V. team


A word from the festival's director, Alan Bern:
Each summer, artists of all kinds, instrumentalists, singers, dancers and scholars from around the world come to Weimar to dive into Yiddish music, dance, language and culture. Our workshops, concerts, dance parties, jam sessions and more are justly famous for their intensity and high level... read more