
New Yiddish Song July 21-28
Advanced and Intermediate Song Workshop

With Daniel Kahn, Efim Chorny & Alan Bern (Advanced)
Ilya Schneyveys & Sasha Lurje (Intermediate)
Artists-in-Residence: Susan Ghergus, Michael Winograd, Patrick Farrell, Benjy Fox-Rosen

In the last 10 years, a new wave of creativity has swept through Yiddish song. Musicians from East and West have joined forces to create contemporary songs of amazing variety, power and beauty. read more 


Yiddish Language Classes:
In 2013, we're delighted to be able to offer three week-long, intensive Yiddish courses: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced! The courses build on one another and you can take all three in a row. The third course, taught by Professor Simon Neuberg, requires a strong prior knowledge of Yiddish, and if you work hard in the first two courses, you can be ready for it.

If you only have one or two weeks free, then of course you can also take just one or two courses, as always, according to your Yiddish language ability. Graduates of the Intermediate course in 2011 are more than welcome in Prof. Neuberg's course this year.

So you can study Yiddish in 3½ weeks this summer in Weimar with some of the best teachers and specialists in the world, surrounded by the incredibly rich cultural program of jam sessions, concerts and other events of Yiddish Summer Weimar.

The Yiddish courses are being offered in cooperation with the Seminar for Jewish Studies, University of Halle-Wittenberg. College students can receive credit for their participation. For more information about this, please send an email to:

beginning July 23-28
With Dorothea Greve
The Hebrew alphabet ("square script") is the key to one of the world's richest and most fascinating cultures that originated 1000 years ago in the Rhineland, read more 

intermediate July 30 - August 4
With Yuri Vedenyapin
This course will be aimed at those interested in learning the Yiddish language and exploring the diverse history and culture of Ashkenazic Jewry. read more 

advanced August 6-11
With Simon Neuberg
In keeping with this summer's theme, we'll also engage with 21st century Yiddish literature in this course. read more 


Dance Music Orchestra: New Yiddish Dance Music July 29 - August 4

With Ilya Schneyveys, Mitia Khramtsov, Alan Bern, Hampus Melin, Jacobus Thiele

In 2013, the Dance Music Orchestra takes on the challenge of creating New Yiddish Dance Music for New Yiddish Dance! We will draw on the resources of traditional and contemporary Yiddish music as well as other traditional and contemporary folk and popular musics, both acoustic and electric, to create our own unique repertoire and style. read more 


Dance For Everyone: New Yiddish Dance July 30 - August 4

With Steve Weintraub, Vivien Zeller, Andreas Schmitges

Traditional Yiddish dance has often taken over steps, forms and even entire dances from other folk and popular dance cultures. It then adds a body language of style, gesture and communication that transforms the borrowed dances and makes them distinctively Yiddish. In 2013, the Dance for Everyone workshop undertakes an exciting new project: read more 


Shpilndik! Zingendik! Tantsndik! (Play! Sing! Dance!) July 31 - August 3
A Hands-On Introduction to Klezmer Instrumental Music, Yiddish Song, and Dance

With Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer

Whether you have some experience as a klezmer player, Yiddish singer or dancer, or are completely new to the style, this hands-on workshop offers a feast of Eastern European Yiddish instrumental, vocal music and dance. read more 


New Yiddish Music August 5-11
Advanced and Intermediate Instrumental Music Workshop

With Frank London, Alan Bern, Michael Winograd, Patrick Farrell, Benjy Fox-Rosen (Advanced)
Ilya Schneyveys & Mark Kovnatskiy (Intermediate)

Beginning in the late 1980s, klezmer bands like the Klezmatics and Brave Old World began to expand the language of Yiddish music, leading to the concept of New Jewish Music in the mid-1990s. Now, almost 20 years later, the expansion has gone so far read more 


Children's Songs Workshop August 5-10
Fun griner katshke, broynem ber un flaterl... Yidishe lider far kleyne un groyse kinderlekh
(About the green duck, the brown bear and the butterfly... Yiddish songs for small and big children)

With Diana Matut, Andreas Schmitges

Following the wonderful experience of last summer, we'd like to invite you once again to our workshop on songs for young and old. Everyone between the ages of 6 to 120 is welcome! read more 


A bisl Yiddish, mit Andrea Pancur July 30 - August 2
Mini-workshop during the New Yiddish Music Concert Week

Times: Daily from 11 am to 1 pm, you can participate once, twice, three or four times.
Place: Musikschule „Ottmar Gerster”
Prices: 15 € (Adults), 10 € (Children: 6-14), for each 2-hour session
Advance registration: or (0)3643 85 83 10 or at the door

With Andrea Pancur

Visit historic Weimar for one or more days during the New Yiddish Music Concert Week, hear two great concerts each evening, take in the sights during the day, and... read more