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Andrea Pancur (Germany; Singer, Elementary Music Pedagogue)

is considered to be the “guarantor for profound programs” (SZ) and the “most important representative of Yiddish culture in Germany” (Der neue Tag). She has been nominated twice for the “RUTH” in the category “Global Roots” and for the “Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik”.

With the “modern klezmer quartet” she regularly pushes musical limits and she also guest-tours with the trio “A Tickle in the Heart”. Furthermore, she is dedicated to her solo program “ANDREA PANCURs FEDERMENTSH” and to Yiddish music after 1945. Moreover, she is the initiator and the chairman of the “Mosche-Beregowski Nachwuchspreis”.

The Yiddish Forverts considered her CD “Ferdermentsh- Lider fun Yidishland” to be one of the most important publications in 2010. At festivals, such as “Yiddish Summer Weimar” and “KlezWest”, she teaches children, as well as adults. Her concert tours have already led her to France, Bulgaria, Austria, Liechtenstein , Israel, Italy and the USA.

In 2012, the city of Munich awarded her with the “Volkskulturpreis” in the category “innovations” for her “Alpen Klezmer” project.
For almost 20 years, she has been involved as a pedagogue in pedagogic projects of museums and other projects of cultural and musical nature. At the moment, she participates in a training course on “Elementary Music Pedagogy” at the National Academy in Trossingen. After she finishes this course, she will be an officially recognized Music Pedagogue for elementary and basic level.
photo: Janina Wurbs