Evi Heigl (Germany; violin)

The Regensburg born musician Evi Heigl studied Ethnomusicology, Folklore and Musicology at the University of Bamberg. Her musical focus is the research and practice of the traditional music of Bavaria and the neighbouring regions. She performs on the violin and the clarinet in the ensembles Plammerberg-Muse (till 2006), Schwäbische Wirtshausmusikanten and Hürbener Ballorchester with numerous radio and television appearances on Bavarian and west German Broadcasting. She is currently working for the information center for Folkmusic of the region of Schwaben (Bavaria) in Krumbach. She is teaching at the Music Pedagogy and Education department at the Catholic University of Eichstätt. She frequently leads Folk music courses for the Bavarian Landesverein für Heimatpflege e.V. as well as the Region Bavaria and additionally she is an editor of the Folk music journal “Zwiefach”. She has undertaken multiple research expeditions in Bavaria and Hungary and leads research in the form and function of dance songs in the Upper Palatine as part of her graduate degree. Evi Heigl (born 1968) lives in Augsburg, is married and has a daughter.
