Get involved!

Other music e.V. in Weimar is a meeting ground for musicians, artists and scholars from the whole world. Our projects created by Dr. Alan Bern, including "Yiddish Summer Weimar," "Winter Edition," "The Other Europeans" and "Diaspora Redux" have inspired participants and audiences for years.

Without the help of countless volunteers, we wouldn't be here today. Many awards and the reputation as "the most intensive Yiddish culture institute" are both an honor and a challenge to live up to.

We're thankful for your support and help in making our projects and organizational work a reality. If you'd like to get involved, there are many ways you can, and we're open for suggestions, too!

Here are some of the ways you can offer us moral, financial and hands-on support: We're looking for:
- people who can help distribute information about our workshops and concerts,
- guest families who can offer artists and scholarship students a place to stay during some of the Yiddish Summer Weimar festival,
- volunteers to help with the evening events and workshops,
- and much more.

Are you able to help us financially? Donations are tax deductible!
Would you like to be a sponsor or a partner? There are many possibilities, just talk to us!

Thank you!


Thank you to the many volunteers who helped make this website and projects of other music e.V. possible: Lutz Baltzer (sound & light tech, audio & video documentation), Christian Dengler (architectural planning), Jason Denner (translation, planning), Miléna Kartowski (translation, org. support in France), Roland Döringer (video documentation, archive), Richard Doust (translation), Petra Frühling (org. support), Lev Guzman (organizational support), Stella Jürgensen (translation), Olga Kozarez (kitchen, catering), Sasha Lurje (internet research & consulting, translation), Fira Michlina (kitchen, catering), Andrea Pancur (translation, protocol), Clemens Riesser (audio documentation), Doris Schmitten (translation, protocol), Tama Yaël (translation), Franziska Denner (organizational planning), Janina Wurbs (translation, Yiddish consulting), Jörn Ziller (photo documentation) and others.