was born in 1955- He first received his Diplom in Psychology and has been a Folk musician since 1980, performing on Bagpipes and other wind instruments. Additionally, since 1985 he has been a dancer and dance instructor for Western European Folk dances, especially French dance.
He has focused on Renaissance dances as the basis for the European dance culture since 1990 and in 1993 published his book project “Rennaisance Dances of the Orchesography of Thoinot Arbeau”. To this day it is one of the most sought after introductions to Renaissance dance. He himself teaches these dances in workshops, including at the Academy for Vocational and Musical-Cultural Training Burg Fürsteneck. In recent years he has worked to bring life to the dance culture of (Northern)Germany with the founding of the German Dance Workshop at Burg Fürsteneck in 2004 and 2005, as well as through adapting traditional dances and creating new dance. The modern and interesting dance musics that were additionally presented at this workshop are an attempt to bring the old traditions back to life. The results are available on CD and DVD. The German Dance Workshop is now presented each year in September in Hamburg. Langeloh presents courses in German dances at the Sommermusikfest in Rudolstadt (the largest Folk festival in Europe), at the Leipziger Tanzhausfest and many more. He leads the Northern German Folk Dance groups “hans dans”, “Danzfolk” and “Strandgut”. He has a broad repertoire, ranging from society dances (Waltz, Quickstep) to European and international pair dances (Salsa, Bourree, Polska, Mazurka, etc.) His knowledge of the historical basis of many dances allows Langeloh a unique perspective on the traditional german dance forms and the connected possibilities for change, as folk dances are a history of changes and accommodations to the current fashion.
To this day he remains active as a musician in the group “Brumborium”, in the dance band “Compagnie Brumborium” as well as in smaller groups to accompany dances.