Youth Klezmer Orchestra
5-day Workshop
Aug 11–15, 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. @Ottmar-Gerster-Musikschule
With Ilya Shneyveys
Age: 12 - 16

Playing in a band is one of the coolest experiences a musician can have. Each player does his or her own thing, but everybody is part of a team that makes a special sound. In a klezmer band, you start with some great melodies, harmonies and rhythms, and take it from there.
This Youth Klezmer Orchestra is led by Ilya Shneyveys, a young multi-instrumentalist from Riga and rising star of the international world music scene. In 2014, he was co-winner of the TFF Rudolstadt Ruth Prize, and he plays not only klezmer, but also rock, jazz, Balkan and more.
So if you're between 12 and 16 years old, you play an instrument (any instrument) and you're ready to dive into a new musical world, the Band Camp is for you. If you're slightly younger or older but you'd like to join, please write to and talk it over first.

Workshop fee: 75 €
We apologize that there are no further discounts for this workshop.
>> Registration